(paréntesis personal)
[Abrí esta libreta y encontré algo, es chistoso como a veces te enajenas tanto de las cosas que escribes que, cuando vuelves a leerlo parece que lo escribió otra persona. En fin, esto creo que se supone que iba a ser el principio de algún tipo de novela o cuento, como siempre yo sólo colecciono principios de esas cosas, nunca puedo escribir algo más largo que dos hojas, es mi maldición hahahaha bueno...basta de prolegómenos innecesarios.]
I believe you never really get to know somebody and now that I think of it I don't believe we ever did try. As I watch them live I understand, they don't love each other for who they really are, but for who they think they are, for whatever potential they might had have of being whatever they needed on the first place. I guess I always knew how fake it all was, how fake it still is. i see her now crying over my still body but her tears are not for me as much as they are for herself. Her eyes were always empty and that vaccum was me. She never really loved me altough she thinks she did. I don't blame her, she never knew me.
The word "mom" doesn't guarantee anything.
If anyone should ask what happenned I guess it started the day I was born, February 21st 1993, but even after that November afternoon things haven't changed. That's the saddest thing. I can't say it was the main reason but I did hope something big might change them, maybe I just wasn't as big as I thought.
[Creo que iba a tratar sobre un suicidio, tal vez le siga algún día...]